Best Chemistry Tuition in Singapore
Singapore's #1 established home tuition agency
Over 55,000 active tuition teachers with PhD, Master's, Bachelor's, or MOE teachers for the subject you want tuition in.
Parents, MOE teachers, and students trust us to deliver improved grades. Fast.
Tutors Singapore is an experienced, committed and responsible tutor agent.
We take your education and academic success seriously.
Exam questions these days are usually set quite differently from the syllabus. It is also getting more and more difficult to answer the application questions
We have 9,700+ experienced & qualified tutors who specialize in only Chemistry tuition for the following:
GCE O Level Chemistry Tuition
GCE A Level Chemistry Tuition
Secondary Chemistry Tuition
Junior College Chemistry Tuition
International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme Chemistry Tuition
Integrated Programme Chemistry Tuition

Jasmine Lee – MSc, Biomedical Sciences (University of Bristol)
Chief Learning Officer, Tutors Singapore
Experienced private tutors in Singapore
Primary 1 private tuition
Primary 2 private tuition
Primary 3 private tuition
Primary 4 private tuition
Primary 5 private tuition
Primary 6 private tuition
PSLE private tuition
Secondary 1 private tuition
Secondary 2 private tuition
Secondary 3 private tuition
Secondary 4 private tuition
GCE O Level private tuition
Junior College JC1 private tuition
Junior College JC2 private tuition
JC tuition
GCE A Level tuition
International Baccalaureate IB tuition Singapore
Integrated Programme IP tuition
Polytechnic modules private tuition
University modules private tuition
Online tuition
Face-to-face/In-person private tuition
Hire The Best 1 to 1 Home Tuition Teacher
- Request now, score higher grades sooner
- Receive profiles of good experienced tutors within 6 hours
- Qualified, committed & professional tuition teachers. Best reviews
- Singapore's biggest database of 55,000+ private tutors
- MOE teachers, graduated/undergraduate tutors with Bachelor's, Master's PhD in the subject they teach
- Results guaranteed
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Singapore's largest team of 9,700+ experienced tuition teachers who specialize in teaching only Chemistry tuition
Hire guaranteed successful Chemistry tuition teachers. Improve your grades within the first month
Tutors Singapore
Why we are the #1 home tuition agency in Singapore

55,000+ tutors
Experienced home tutors
Largest active tutor database in Singapore, to suit your requests

Tutor profiles within 6 hours
Quality customer service
Fast, responsive customer service from our friendly tuition coordinators

100% free
Service and best tuition rates
$0 agency fees involved, at the most reasonable tuition rates in town

Qualified tuition teachers
Our strict shortlisting process ensures only the top list of tutors make it to you, guaranteed!

Challenges Faced By Chemistry Students In Singapore
> Insufficient understanding of Organic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry and Experimental Planning (practical paper)
> Chemistry students learn about the elements that make up the world – investigating their properties and how they interact, combine and change. What makes Chemistry so challenging is that it requires a diverse skill and knowledge set – you need to have strong general knowledge ranging from Physics to Biology to Statistics. You also need to have a good balance of book and hands-on learning
> You can understand Chemistry only if you understand the vocabulary/jargon. There are 118 elements to learn, many new and unfamiliar words, as well as the entire system of writing chemical equations – which uses its own special language
> Many Chemistry concepts build on understanding units, conversion, and how atoms and molecules interact. Chemistry concepts must be studied in a logical order because concepts build upon each other. Jumping into the middle of the science can lead to confusion
> Many students find Organic Chemistry to be the most difficult aspect of their syllabus. You just can’t memorize all the possible answers because there are simply too many of them. That means that you have to sometimes rely on your intuition, and hope that your instincts are correct
> Chemistry students must be comfortable with Maths (including algebra), to understand and be able to work through Chemistry problems. Geometry is useful, and if you are planning to excel in Chemistry, you would need calculus. If you are stuck on unit conversions for example, you will get left behind
Benefits of engaging a reliable Chemistry tuition teacher
Just when you have finished preparing for one quiz, there is another coming up in 2 weeks’ time. Every day, new homework assignments and projects are added to a never-ending to-do list.
You can keep up, but just barely. This is stressful, especially when you dread the day when you cannot finish your homework in time because you don’t have the answers to the questions that your teachers asked.
Worse, your classmates – who are in your class because you had previously been achieving similar grades to theirs – are able to get the right answers and score higher marks. Very discouraging.
Good Chemistry tuition teachers will give you 1 to 1 attention, so that you can ask them how to solve those difficult homework and exam problems.
Tutors Singapore represents only qualified tuition teachers who already have a Bachelor’s, or are about to get one. Or they might have a Master’s or PhD in the subject that they are teaching you.
As they are experienced in teaching students in your academic level, they can easily and clearly explain to you what you need to know and do, so that you can urgently gain much higher marks.
Your Chemistry private tutors would also have materials to share with you – whether they are exam papers or homework assignments from other schools. Or, they would have good recommendations for you to buy workbooks that are most suitable for you to practice on, in order to gain mastery of the tricky concepts.
With Chemistry home tuition, you can get instant clarification in concepts that are difficult to understand.
You can also receive customised lesson plans tailored to suit your unique learning style and understanding of the different Chemistry topics, so that you may better absorb the content and understand the concepts.
Your Chemistry tuition teachers from Tutors Singapore are very familiar with the latest MOE syllabus and newest exam requirements. They have been teaching for between 2 to over 30 years and can identify the areas that you should focus on, according to your grade targets and pace of learning.
The current Chemistry syllabus can have content that is challenging for many students. Our Chemistry tuition teachers are experienced in teaching students at your academic level. They are familiar with the common misconceptions and the dangerous mistakes made by Chemistry students.
Double-checking your answers is useful only if you know how to create and put together the answers that the MOE really wants you to give.
Learn how to accurately analyze the questions, so that you can arrive at the answers that give you maximum marks.
Professional Chemistry tutors are able to show you how Chemistry concepts are applied when answering tricky exam questions.
You lost interest and became frustrated only because much of the syllabus did not make sense.
Once there is clarity and you are able to perform the simple and then the advanced tasks, your sense of achievement will lead you to better grades and even stronger mastery of Chemistry.
Students can be overwhelmed with having to maintain a healthy and balanced personal and academic life.
While it is beneficial to spend time developing leadership and team-building skills during co-curricular activities as well as having a good social life after school hours, this would also mean that students may have limited time to study.
Hiring a competent and professional Chemistry tuition teacher can help them to efficiently make use of their time when studying, so that they can holistically do even better in both their personal and academic lives.
Many Chemistry students fear speaking up and asking questions during lessons because they worry about being laughed at in class.
Chemistry 1 to 1 home tuition teachers will teach students to have a better understanding of their lessons in school. Their home tuition teacher will patiently and clearly explain the difficult concepts to them.
Effective Chemistry tuition gives them the confidence of answering tricky questions when faced with unexpectedly challenging problems during school and national exams.
Our qualified Chemistry tuition teachers are experienced, and have thorough understanding of the common problems faced by Chemistry students.
They will be able to deconstruct complex Chemistry topics into simpler concepts, and customize learning materials to improve students’ understanding of these topics.
Increase your ability to give the RIGHT answers that your school exams and national exams require of you.
Engage the most competent and reliable Chemistry tuition teachers, to help you succeed.
Topics covered by Tutors Singapore's Chemistry tuition teachers
Secondary School Chemistry Topics
Secondary School GCE O Level Chemistry: Experimental Chemistry, The Particulate Nature of Matter, Formulae, Stoichiometry and the Mole Concept, Electrolysis, Energy from Chemicals, Chemical Reactions, Acids, Bases and Salts, The Periodic Table. Metals, Air, Organic Chemistry, and all the most important concepts
Junior College (JC) Chemistry Topics
Junior College GCE A Level H2 Chemistry: Atomic Structure, Chemical Bonding, The Gaseous State, Theories of Acids and Bases, The Periodic Table, The Mole Concept and Stoichiometry, Chemical Energetics: Thermochemistry and Thermodynamics (Gibbs Free Energy and Entropy), Reaction Kinetics, Chemical Equilibria, Chemistry of Aqueous Solutions, Acid-base Equilibria, Solubility Equilibria, Organic Chemistry, Isomerism, Hydrocarbons, Halogen Derivatives, Hydroxy Compounds, Carbonyl Compounds, Carboxylic Acids and Derivatives, Nitrogen Compounds, Electrochemistry, the Chemistry of Transition Elements, Practical Assessment, and all the most important concepts
International Baccalaureate (IB) Chemistry:
IBDP SL/HL Chemistry: Stoichiometric Relationships, Atomic Structure, Periodicity, Chemical Bonding and Structure, Energetics/Thermochemistry, Chemical Kinetics, Equilibrium, Acids and Bases, Redox Processes, Organic Chemistry, Measurement and Data Processing, The Periodic Table – the Transition Metals, Measurement and Analysis, Materials, Biochemistry, Energy, Medicinal Chemistry, Individual Investigation, and all the most important concepts

Consistent improvement - even for difficult subjects
Important skills taught by Tutor Singapore's patient Chemistry tuition teachers
Chemistry tuition - strong recommendations & positive feedback from students
Reviews of the effectiveness of hiring experienced Chemistry tuition teachers from Tutors Singapore

Importance of getting good Chemistry tuition
Education in Singapore can be overwhelming and stressful, whether you are striving to maintain an A grade, or want to prevent the risk of having weaker grades.
Just as hiring the right tutor can help you confidently achieve your grade objectives, engaging the wrong tutor can bring much misery when the student receives worse than expected grades at the school or national exams.
Chemistry is an important subject that can help you build a strong foundation for undergraduate studies in Analytical Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Teaching, Forensic Science, Geochemistry, Hazardous Waste Chemistry, Materials Science, Pharmacology, Toxicology or Water Chemistry.
Science-related undergraduate courses are highly competitive, and your good grades in Chemistry will give you a competitive edge and a headstart in understanding the important content, compared to your peers.
If you are struggling when studying or revising for Chemistry, getting reliable Chemistry tuition can ensure that you understand all the concepts covered in the syllabus.
An experienced Chemistry tuition teacher can provide his/her full attention to resolve your learning challenges - and will guide you to be able to apply the knowledge that you have learnt, when faced with difficult questions during important school and national exams.
Choosing the right Chemistry tuition teacher
- Our Chemistry tutors range from current & former MOE teachers to undergraduate & graduated tutors (Bachelor’s, Master’s, PhD) majoring in Chemistry, Chemical Engineering or Biochemical Engineering. Every tutor whose profile we will show you has a strong record of helping their students’ marks increase. They scored A’s for their own Chemistry exams, and can teach you useful exam tips and techniques so that you can achieve a quick boost to your grades
- To ensure the effectiveness of every Chemistry tuition session, Tutors Singapore will recommend only tutors who have relevant degrees (Bachelor’s, Master’s, PhD) in the subjects they teach. Each Chemistry tuition teacher must also have a track record of helping their students gain valuable marks during important exams
- The MOE changes the syllabus whenever there is a need to be current with industry/the economy’s needs, trends and developments
- These changes affect the Chemistry content – and importantly – the exam requirements, answer formats, and marking schemes
- It is crucial that the Chemistry tuition teacher is familiar with the most updated syllabus, and that what they teach does not contradict what is taught in your child’s school
- When providing recommendations of carefully-shortlisted Chemistry tuition teachers, Tutors Singapore will list and describe the relevant teaching experience of our tutors to assure you of their abilities to help students at your level to progress academically, and to achieve higher grades
- Homework is given by school teachers so that their students can practice what was taught in school. It is important to be up to date in doing your homework, so that you can internalize the content. When you hand in your homework, you will find out from your school teacher if you managed to correctly understand what was taught in class. Knowing this helps tremendously when you are revising content for your school exams and for the national exams. Revision is not useful if you are learning and re-learning the wrong concepts that you think are right. Giving your teacher the wrong answers will not help you gain higher marks
- Tutors Singapore’s Chemistry tuition teachers are experienced and have methodical knowledge of the exact skills and content that a student will need to excel in each of the chapters that you must master, in order to do well in your exams. Our Chemistry tutors are also able to create personalized learning schedules, so that their students are able to understand, absorb and retain new knowledge, more efficiently and within a short period of time
- The syllabus, content and examination practices differ for each level of education
- Many Chemistry students are frustrated with not being able to instinctively understand the content that is taught by their school teachers
- Our tutors are familiar with the newest MOE syllabus, and they have taught students at your academic level
- Tutors Singapore accepts tutor applications only when the tuition teacher has a degree (or is in the process of obtaining a degree) in the subject that they teach. This is to ensure that the private tutor has the necessary knowledge and expertise to adequately teach the correct content as well as to help the student arrive at error-free answers when responding to important exam questions
- When providing recommendations of carefully-shortlisted Chemistry tuition teachers, Tutors Singapore will describe the relevant teaching experience of our tutors to assure you of their abilities to help students at your level to progress academically, and achieve higher grades
- It is important that the Chemistry tuition teacher puts in the best effort when guiding and teaching you. A dedicated home tuition teacher will ask pertinent questions in order to know which areas you are struggling with. A committed private tutor is punctual and rarely would suggest that the lesson has to be re-scheduled. Competent tutors have scored A in Chemistry when they took their O and A Levels, and they would have at least a Bachelor’s in Chemistry, Biochemical Engineering or Chemical Engineering. This means that their professional knowledge of Chemistry can help you achieve better grades, whether you are in secondary school or in junior college.
- When recommending Chemistry tuition teachers, Tutors Singapore will facilitate communication between you and the tutor to ensure that both parties have a common understanding of expectations before confirming the tuition arrangements.
- It is often the best for you to continue with one good tutor if the Chemistry tuition teacher is capable of teaching you and has already built a connection with you. This will ensure that you can benefit the most from his/her lessons since the tutor will be more familiar with your weaknesses and strengths, and can work on them throughout the subsequent academic levels
- Our Chemistry tuition teachers have between 2 to 30+ years of experience in teaching students who are often from different schools. These Chemistry tutors have accumulated notes and past year papers that they can provide to you for additional practice. Some tutors also prepare mind maps, common questions and pitfalls in past year papers, as well as self-designed practices referenced from assessment books
- Tutors Singapore will indicate in the tutor’s profiles if the Chemistry tuition teacher is able to provide materials and resources for the students, when we recommend between 4 to 10 qualified tutors to you
- Students each have different starting points as well as grade goals. Some students want to consistently score an A, and some students are aiming to get a C or a B for their national exams. Your Chemistry tuition teacher will evaluate your learning needs, and will suggest workbooks and practice sheets that are most suitable for you so that you can master content that will help you quickly achieve your grade targets
- The best Chemistry tuition teachers can identify their students’ root causes of learning challenges, within the first lessons. These Chemistry tutors are experienced in using relevant step by step methods to competently address these vulnerabilities. They will create a study roadmap to help you systematically learn difficult content within short periods of time
- We show tutor profiles only when they had received good feedback from parents and students. The quality of the Chemistry tuition teacher is very important to your academic success
- Tutors Singapore removes from our database the details of tutors who did not receive positive comments
Tutors Singapore provides Chemistry tuition teachers at locations across Singapore.
Start Chemistry tuition at the convenience of your own home, now.
Learn in a safe & comfortable environment today, taught by Singapore's most popular Chemistry tuition teachers.
Tutors Singapore has a pool of 9.700+ experienced and skilled Chemistry tuition teachers who have helped their students achieve a jump of 2 to 3 grades. Some hardworking students managed to score distinctions despite previous failing marks.
Experience a transformation in your Chemistry grades, now.
Acquiring a stronger foundation in Chemistry is possible, when you hire committed, caring and professional tuition teachers.
Confidently find the best quality Chemistry tuition through Tutors Singapore today.
Pick your ideal tutor from the 4 to 10 Chemistry tuition teacher profiles that we will show you, and start achieving better grades (and start a much happier educational journey) within this week.

Tutors Singapore - The Number 1 Chemistry Home Tuition Agency in Singapore
What to expect from Tutors Singapore's Chemistry tuition teachers

Pick your ideal tutor from our database of 9,700+ experienced Chemistry tuition teachers

Develop sharp analytical skills. Acquire tried and tested essential methods to think deeply, study, and thoroughly revise. Produce concise, relevant, and accurate answers to vital interlinking elements throughout the Chemistry syllabus

Latest MOE syllabus and newest exam requirements

Easy methods of remembering large amounts of content for Chemistry

Real-world applications of concepts that are found within and beyond your textbooks, to help you write sophisticated answers to unexpectedly difficult questions

Committed and expert tutoring to mentor and guide you to steadily and quickly achieve your grade targets

Proven methods to scoring well for each component of Chemistry. Effective studying and examination tactics to conquer Chemistry

Proven methods to scoring well for each component of Chemistry

Learn the most useful exam tips and tricks from Chemistry tutors in the comfort, convenience, and safety of your own home

Get clear explanations of concepts during Chemistry tuition. Master difficult content from every chapter. No more homework frustrations

Fun and engaging Chemistry tuition lessons that motivate students to learn “boring” subjects

1 to 1 Chemistry home tuition lessons = Devoted focus and attention from your patient and dedicated tutor

Receive a practical customized study schedule tailored to your learning styles and needs. No more lagging behind school lessons

Learn ahead of the syllabus, so that when your school teacher covers it in class, you do not fear the new and unfamiliar content

Step by step, patient explanations at the learning pace you prefer
Tuition in Singapore rate. Affordable home tuition by Tutors Singapore
Our private tuition rates are constantly updated in real-time, and are based on rates quoted by good home tutors in Singapore.
These market rates are derived from 39,000+ monthly tuition assignment applications from our pool of 55,000+ active home tutors
Many tutors - All with 2 to 30+ years of private tuition experience
Primary school
$30 - $40
$35 - $45
$50 - $70
Secondary school
$35 - $50
$40 - $65
$60 - $90
Junior college
$45 - $55
$60 - $80
$90 - $120
$45 - $60
$60 - 90
$100 - $120
55,000+ Experienced Tutors.
MOE Teachers,
Chemistry Tuition Teachers With Proven Track Records.
PhD/Master's/Post-Doctoral Tutors,
Graduated/Undergraduate Dependable Tutors.
Experienced Chemistry tuition teachers who helped their students score higher marks urgently
Mr AE has 12 years of Chemistry tuition experience. He has a PhD in Chemistry from Oxford University. Mr AE’s Bachelor’s in Analytical Chemistry was from NUS (First Class Honours). Mr AE’s private tuition students attended St Joseph’s Institution, Singapore Chinese Girls’ Secondary School Integrated Programme, NUS High School of Mathematics and Science, National Junior College, Eunoia Junior College, and Hwa Chong Institution.
Mr DC has 15 years of Chemistry tuition experience. He was a Post-doctoral Fellow at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). His PhD in Chemistry was from MIT, and his Bachelor’s in Medicinal Chemistry was from NUS (First Class Honours). Mr DC’s private tuition students attended River Valley High School Integrated Programme, Paya Lebar Methodist Girls’ School (Secondary), Nanyang Girls’ High School Integrated Programme, Anglo-Chinese Junior College, Victoria Junior College, and Dunman High School.
Ms SK has 10 years of Chemistry tuition experience. She has a Master’s in Materials Chemistry from NUS. Her Bachelor’s in Nanoscience Chemistry was from NUS (2nd Upper Class Honours). Ms SK wrote the Chemistry secondary school and junior college curriculum content for a group of tuition centres, where she taught for 7 years. Ms SK’s private tuition students attended CHIJ St Theresa’s Convent, Catholic High School, Yusof Ishak Secondary School, Raffles Institution (Secondary) Integrated Programme, Jurong Pioneer Junior College, and St Andrew’s Junior College.
Mr BO has 8 years of Chemistry tuition experience. He has a Bachelor’s in Chemical Engineering from NTU (Honours). Mr BO taught at a leading tuition centre for 2 years. His private tuition students attended Tanglin Secondary School, Bowen Secondary School, Methodist Girls’ School (Secondary), Temasek Junior College, Yishun Innova Junior College, and Victoria Junior College.
Ms CML has 10 years of Chemistry tuition experience. She has a Bachelor’s in Chemical Engineering from NTU. Ms CML taught at a tuition centre for 3 years. Her private tuition students attended Tampines Secondary School, Anglo-Chinese School (Independent), Zhenghua Secondary School, Anderson Serangoon Junior College, National Junior College, and Tampines Meridian Junior College.
Ms FY has 11 years of Chemistry tuition experience. She is NIE-trained and taught at MOE schools for 7 years. Ms FY’s Bachelor’s in Chemistry was from NUS (Honours). Her private tuition students attended St Andrew’s Secondary School, Loyang View Secondary School, Sembawang Secondary School, Nanyang Girls’ High School Integrated Programme, Naval Base Secondary School, and Victoria School.
Singapore's largest team of 9,700+ successful tuition teachers who specialize in teaching Chemistry
Hire guaranteed qualified Chemistry tutors. Improve your grades within the first month
Ms AC has 15 years of Chemistry tuition experience. She was an MOE contract teacher for 2 years. Ms AC has a PhD in Applied Chemistry from NUS. Her Bachelor’s in Chemistry was from NUS (First Class Honours). Ms AC’s private tuition students attended NUS High School of Mathematics and Science, Singapore Chinese Girls’ Secondary School, St Joseph’s Institution, Victoria Junior College, Raffles Institution, and Hwa Chong Institution.
Ms DH has 17 years of Chemistry tuition experience. She has a Master’s in Chemistry from Northwestern University. Her Bachelor’s in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering was from NTU (First Class Honours). Ms DH was an MOE relief teacher for 2 years and taught at leading tuition centres for 9 years. Ms DH’s private tuition students attended St Gabriel’s Secondary School, Victoria School Integrated Programme, Hai Sing Catholic School, Anglo-Chinese Junior College, National Junior College, and Raffles Institution.
Mr CKJ has 13 years of Chemistry tuition experience. He has a Master’s in Chemistry from the California Institute of Technology. Mr CKJ’s Bachelor’s in Materials Chemistry was from NUS (First Class Honours). His private tuition students attended CHIJ St Nicholas Girls’ School, Catholic High School, Anglo-Chinese School (Barker Road), Hwa Chong Institution, Raffles Institution, and National Junior College.
Mr EK has 6 years of Chemistry tuition experience. He has a Master’s in Biomolecular and Biomedical Sciences from NUS. His Bachelor’s in Chemistry was from Princeton University. Mr EK’s private tuition students attended Dunman High School Integrated Programme, Maris Stella High School, Nanyang Girls’ High School Integrated Programme, Raffles Girls’ School (Secondary) Integrated Programme, St Gabriel’s Secondary School, and Victoria School Integrated Programme.
Ms WYR has 10 years of Chemistry tuition experience. She has a Master’s in Chemical Engineering Sciences from NUS, and a Bachelor’s in Analytical Chemistry from NUS (2nd Upper Class Honours). Ms WYR’s private tuition students attended St Andrew’s Secondary School, Victoria School, Dunman High School Integrated Programme, National Junior College, Eunoia Junior College, and Anglo-Chinese Junior College.
Mr MN has 12 years of Chemistry tuition experience. He has a PhD in Chemistry from Imperial College London. Mr ST’s Bachelor’s in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering was from NUS (First Class Honours). Mr MN taught at tuition centres for 7 years. His private tuition students attended Crescent Girls’ School, Bowen Secondary School, Anglo-Chinese School (Barker Road), Hwa Chong Institution, Raffles Institution, and National Junior College.
Mr NBF has 9 years of Chemistry tuition experience. He has a Bachelor’s in Materials Chemistry from NUS (2nd Upper Class Honours). Mr NBF taught at a leading tuition centre for 2 years. His private tuition students attended Raffles Girls’ School (Secondary), Ngee Ann Secondary School, Methodist Girls’ School (Secondary), Anglo-Chinese Junior College, Temasek Junior College, and Victoria Junior College.
Ms GYY has 16 years of Chemistry tuition experience. She has a PhD in Chemistry from Princeton University. Ms GYY’s Bachelor’s in Materials Chemistry was from NUS (First Class Honours). Her private tuition students attended Singapore Chinese Girls’ School. Raffles Girls’ School (Secondary) Integrated Programme, Montfort Secondary School, National Junior College, Hwa Chong Institution, and Dunman High School.
Mr PCJ has 8 years of Chemistry tuition experience. He is NIE-trained, and taught at a junior college for 6 years. Mr PCJ has a Bachelor’s in Chemistry from NUS (Honours). His private tuition students attended River Valley High School, Yishun Innova Junior College, Eunoia Junior College, Anderson Serangoon Junior College, Victoria Junior College, and National Junior College.
Ms KHY has 10 years of Chemistry tuition experience. She has a Bachelor’s in Chemical Engineering, and taught at a tuition centre for 2 years. Ms KHY’s private tuition students attended CHIJ St Nicholas Girls’ School, Yishun Secondary School, Swiss Cottage Secondary School, Anderson Serangoon Junior College, St Andrew’s Junior College, and Victoria Junior College.
Ms MW has 13 years of Chemistry tuition experience. She has a Bachelor’s in Chemical Engineering from NTU. Ms MW was an MOE contract teacher for 2 years and taught at tuition centres for 5 years. Ms MW’s private tuition students attended Fuchun Secondary School, Naval Base Secondary School, CHIJ St Nicholas Girls’ School, Anglo-Chinese Junior College, Jurong Pioneer Junior College, and Victoria Junior College.
Ms SJL has 6 years of Chemistry tuition experience. She has a Master’s in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering from NTU. Her Bachelor’s in Chemistry was from NTU (2nd Upper Class Honours). Ms SJL was an MOE contract teacher for 2 years. Her private tuition students attended Juying Secondary School, Deyi Secondary School, Raffles Girls’ School (Secondary) Integrated Programme, Singapore Chinese Girls’ Secondary School Integrated Programme, Eunoia Junior College, and Hwa Chong Institution.
Mr AN has 14 years of Chemistry tuition experience. He has a Bachelor’s in Chemistry from NTU. Mr AN was an MOE contract teacher for 2 years, and taught at tuition centres for 5 years. Mr AN’s private tuition students attended Serangoon Garden Secondary School, New Town Secondary School, Catholic High School, Eunoia Junior College, Catholic Junior College, and Raffles Institution.
Mr FTB has 10 years of Chemistry tuition experience. He has a Bachelor’s in Biomedical Engineering from NTU (Honours). Mr FTB’s private tuition students attended Bartley Secondary School, Cedar Girls’ Secondary School, Evergreen Secondary School, St Andrew’s Junior College, River Valley High School, and Yishun Innova Junior College.
Mr WYM has 9 years of Chemistry tuition experience. He is NIE-trained, and taught at MOE schools for 11 years. Mr WYM has a Bachelor’s in Environment and Energy Chemistry from NUS. His private tuition students attended Westwood Secondary School, Springfield Secondary School, Nan Chiau High School, St Anthony’s Canossian Secondary School, Paya Lebar Methodist Girls’ School (Secondary), and Ngee Ann Secondary School.
Ms KC has 11 years of Chemistry tuition experience. She has a Bachelor’s in Chemical Engineering from NTU (2nd Upper Class Honours). Ms KC was an MOE contract teacher for 2 years and taught at tuition centres for 7 years. Ms KC’s private tuition students attended Ping Yi Secondary School, Unity Secondary School, CHIJ St Nicholas Girls’ School, Anderson Serangoon Junior College, Dunman High School, and National Junior College.
Mr TT has 9 years of Chemistry tuition experience. He has a Bachelor’s in Chemistry from NUS. Mr TT’s private tuition students attended Paya Lebar Methodist Girls’ School (Secondary), Bedok South Secondary School, Commonwealth Secondary School, Guangyang Secondary School, Loyang View Secondary School, and Anglo-Chinese Junior College.
Mr PRJ has 8 years of Chemistry tuition experience. He has a Bachelor’s in Chemistry and Biological Chemistry from NTU (Honours). Mr PRJ’s private tuition students attended CHIJ St Nicholas Girls’ School Integrated Programme, Holy Innocents’ High School, Yuhua Secondary School, Catholic Junior College, St Joseph’s Institution, and Victoria Junior College.
Ms OT has 12 years of Chemistry tuition experience. She is NIE-trained and taught at MOE schools for 6 years. Ms OT has a Bachelor’s in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering from NTU (2nd Upper Class Honours). Her private tuition students attended Maris Stella High School, CHIJ St Joseph’s Convent, Peicai Secondary School, Northland Secondary School, Marsiling Secondary School, and Jurong West Secondary School.
Ms NCM has 11 years of Chemistry tuition experience. She has a Master’s in Chemistry from NUS. Her Bachelor’s in Biochemical Engineering was from NTU (2nd Upper Class Honours). Ms NCM was Head of Science at a group of tuition centres, where she taught for 8 years. Ms NCM’s private tuition students attended Chua Chu Kang Secondary School, Fuchun Secondary School, Hai Sing Catholic School, Methodist Girls’ School (Secondary) IB programme, Dunman High School, and Tampines Meridian Junior College.
Ms AB has 7 years of Chemistry tuition experience. She has a Bachelor’s in Chemistry from NUS. Ms AB’s private tuition students attended Kent Ridge Secondary School, Gan Eng Seng School, River Valley High School Integrated Programme, Nanyang Junior College, Anglo-Chinese Junior College, and St Andrew’s Junior College.
Ms LTN has 6 years of Chemistry tuition experience. She has a Bachelor’s in Biochemical Engineering from NTU. Ms LTN taught at a tuition centre for 4 years. Her private tuition students attended St Hilda’s Secondary School, Meridian Secondary School, Hougang Secondary School, Nanyang Junior College, Temasek Junior College, and Eunoia Junior College.
Ms RC has 15 years of Chemistry tuition experience. She is NIE-trained, and taught at MOE schools for 12 years. Ms RC’s Bachelor’s in Chemical Engineering was from NTU (2nd Upper Class Honours). Ms RC’s private tuition students attended Jurongville Secondary School, Damai Secondary School, CHIJ St Theresa’s Convent, Kuo Chuan Presbyterian Secondary School, NUS High School of Mathematics and Science, and Singapore Chinese Girls’ Secondary School Integrated Programme.
Ms PJH has 13 years of Chemistry tuition experience. She is NIE-trained, and taught at junior colleges for 7 years. Ms PJH has a Bachelor’s in Chemistry and Biological Chemistry from NTU (Honours). Her private tuition students attended Yishun Innova Junior College, National Junior College, Hwa Chong Institution, Anderson Serangoon Junior College, Catholic Junior College, and River Valley High School.
Mr DSY has 8 years of Chemistry tuition experience. He has a Bachelor’s in Biomedical Engineering from NTU. His private tuition students attended Bowen Secondary School, Clementi Town Secondary School, Crescent Girls’ School, Dunman High School, Anderson Serangoon Junior College, and St Andrew’s Junior College.
Ms NL has 13 years of Chemistry tuition experience. She was Head of Science at a group of leading tuition centres where she taught for 6 years. Ms NL has a Bachelor’s in Biochemistry from NUS (First Class Honours). Her private tuition students attended Yuan Ching Secondary School, Anglo-Chinese School (Independent), St Margaret’s Secondary School, Tampines Meridian Junior College, Hwa Chong Institution, and Eunoia Junior College.
Ms CE has 10 years of Chemistry tuition experience. She has a Master’s in Biomolecular and Biomedical Sciences from NUS. Her Bachelor’s in Medicinal Chemistry was from NUS (2nd Upper Class Honours). Ms CE’s private tuition students attended St Anthony’s Canossian Secondary School, River Valley High School Integrated Programme, Anglican High School, Eunoia Junior College, Tampines Meridian Junior College, and Jurong Pioneer Junior College.
Mr WBK has 9 years of Chemistry tuition experience. He has a Bachelor’s in Chemistry from NTU. Mr WBK was an MOE contract teacher for 2 years. Mr WBK’s private tuition students attended Christ Church Secondary School, Kuo Chuan Presbyterian Secondary School, Singapore Chinese Girls’ School, Anglo-Chinese Junior College, Nanyang Junior College, and River Valley High School.
Mr TMH has 5 years of Chemistry tuition experience. He has a Bachelor’s in Chemistry from NUS. Mr TMH taught at a tuition centre for 1 year. His private tuition students attended Queensway Secondary School, Tanjong Katong Girls’ School, Cedar Girls’ Secondary School Integrated Programme, Temasek Junior College, Anderson Serangoon Junior College, and Catholic Junior College.
Ms GJT has 7 years of Chemistry tuition. She has a Bachelor’s in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering from NTU (2nd Upper Class Honours). Ms GJT was an MOE contract teacher for 3 years. Her private tuition students attended CHIJ Secondary (Toa Payoh), Fairfield Methodist School (Secondary), Riverside Secondary School, Tampines Meridian Junior College, St Joseph’s Institution, and Nanyang Junior College.
Clear explanations by competent and patient Chemistry tuition teachers
Expert help & guidance in homework preparation, completion of assignments and projects, intensive syllabus revision, exam techniques
MOE's Chemistry GCE O and A Level Exam Requirements
Candidates should be familiar with:
Experimental Chemistry
Experimental design
Methods of purification and analysis
Identification of ions and gases
Apparatus for the measurement of time, temperature, mass and volume,
including burettes, pipettes, measuring cylinders and gas syringes
Apparatus for a variety of simple experiments, including collection of gases and measurement of rates of reaction
Score more marks. Important Chemistry concepts that you must understand, in order to achieve better grades
- Methods of purification and analysis
- Methods of separation and purification for the components of mixtures
- Use of a suitable solvent, filtration and crystallisation or evaporation
- Sublimation
- Distillation and fractional distillation
- Use of a separating funnel
- Paper chromatography
- Separation and purification methods
- Kinetic particle theory
- Atomic structure
- Structure and properties of materials
- Ionic bonding
- Covalent bonding
- Metallic bonding
- The relative charges and approximate relative masses of a proton, a neutron and an electron
- The structure of an atom as containing protons and neutrons
- (nucleons) in the nucleus and electrons arranged in shells (energy levels)
- Proton (atomic) number and nucleon (mass) number
- Isotopes
- The numbers of protons, neutrons and electrons in atoms and ions given proton and nucleon numbers
- Cations: linked to the reactivity series
- Anions: halides, hydroxides and sulfates (e.g. aqueous copper(II) sulfate and dilute sodium chloride solution (as essentially the electrolysis of water))
- Concentration effects (as in the electrolysis of concentrated and dilute aqueous sodium chloride)
- Electrolysis of aqueous copper(II) sulfate with copper electrodes as a means of purifying copper
- The electroplating of metals, e.g. copper plating
- Hydrogen, derived from water or hydrocarbons, as a potential fuel, reacting with oxygen to generate electricity directly in a fuel cell
- Effect of concentration, pressure, particle size and temperature on the speeds of reactions and explain these effects in terms of collisions between reacting particles
- The term catalyst and describe the effect of catalysts (including enzymes) on the speeds of reactions
- Pathways with lower activation energies account for the increase in speeds of reactions
- Hydrolysis on treatment with aqueous alkali or acid
- Reduction to amines with lithium aluminium hydride
- Acid/base properties of amino acids and the formation of zwitterions
- Predict qualitatively how the value of an electrode potential varies with the concentration of the aqueous ion
- Predict the identity of the substance liberated during electrolysis from the state of electrolyte (molten or aqueous), position in the redox series (electrode potential) and concentration
- From a given electronic configuration, the likely oxidation states of a transition element
- Ligand and complex as exemplified by the complexes of copper(II) ions with water, ammonia and chloride ions as ligands
- Energy levels in octahedral complexes
- Use calculators to evaluate logarithms, squares, square roots, and reciprocals
- Estimate orders of magnitude
- Alkanes (exemplified by ethane)
- Free-radical substitution reactions
- Alkenes (exemplified by ethene)
- Electrophilic addition, including Markovnikov’s rule
- Reduction and oxidation reactions
- Arenes (exemplified by benzene and methylbenzene)
- Influence of delocalised π electrons on structure and properties
- Electrophilic substitution reactions
- Oxidation of side-chain
- Hydrocarbons as fuels
- Electrophilic addition of water/steam, hydrogen halides and halogens
- Reduction via catalytic hydrogenation (catalytic addition of hydrogen)
- Oxidation by cold, alkaline solution of manganate(VII) ions to form the diol
- Oxidation by hot, acidified solution of manganate(VII) ions leading to the rupture of the carbon-to-carbon double bond in order to determine the position of alkene linkages in larger molecules
- Markovnikov’s rule, hydrogen halides to unsymmetrical alkenes, composition of products, stability of carbocation intermediates
- Friedel-Crafts alkylation with halogenoalkanes
- Mechanism of electrophilic substitution in arenes, using the mono-bromination of benzene
- Delocalisation of electrons in arenes in such reactions
- Chemistry of the alkyl side-chain of benzene ring as exemplified by the following reactions of methylbenzene
- Free-radical substitution by chlorine and by bromine
- Complete oxidation to give benzoic acid
- Halogenoalkanes
- Nucleophilic substitution
- Relative strength of the C-Hal bond
- Unreactivity of halogenoarenes
- Chemistry of halogenoalkanes
- Nucleophilic substitution reactions of bromoethane: hydrolysis; formation of nitriles; formation of primary amines by reaction with ammonia
- Elimination of hydrogen bromide from 2-bromopropane
- Solid-solid
- Solid-liquid
- Liquid-liquid (miscible and immiscible)
- Paper chromatograms including comparison with ‘known’ samples and the use of Rf values
- Use locating agents in the chromatography of colourless compounds
- Melting point and boiling point data the identities of substances and their purity
- Formation of a covalent bond by the sharing of a pair of electrons in order to gain the electronic configuration of a noble gas
- The arrangement of electrons in other covalent molecules
- The physical properties (including electrical property) of covalent substances to their structure and bonding
- Metals as a lattice of positive ions in a ‘sea of electrons’
- Electrical conductivity of metals to the mobility of the electrons in the structure
- Formation of a covalent bond by the sharing of a pair of electrons in order to gain the electronic configuration of a noble gas
- The arrangement of electrons in other covalent molecules
- The physical properties (including electrical property) of covalent substances to their structure and bonding
- Metals as a lattice of positive ions in a ‘sea of electrons’
- Electrical conductivity of metals to the mobility of the electrons in the structure
- Enthalpy change in terms of exothermic (∆H negative) and endothermic
- (∆H positive) reactions
- Energy changes by energy profile diagrams, including reaction enthalpy changes and activation energies
- Bond breaking as an endothermic process and bond making as an exothermic process
- Overall enthalpy changes in terms of the energy changes associated with the breaking and making of covalent bonds
- Formation of amines as exemplified by ethylamine (through amide and nitrile reduction
- Basicity of primary, secondary and tertiary amines in the gaseous phase (interpret as Lewis bases)
- Relative basicities of ammonia, ethylamine and phenylamine in aqueous medium
- Reaction of phenylamine with aqueous bromine
- Delocalisation of the lone pair of electrons on nitrogen
- Transition element, in terms of d block elements forming one or more stable ions with partially filled d subshells
- Electronic configuration of a first row transition element and its ions
- Atomic radii and first ionisation energies of the transition elements are relatively invariant
- Contrast, qualitatively, the melting point and density of the transition elements with those of calcium as a typical s block element
- Tendency of transition elements to have variable oxidation states
- Determine and interpret the slope and intercept of a linear graph
- Choose by inspection a straight line that will serve as the ‘least bad’ linear model for a set of data presented graphically
- Understand (i) the slope of a tangent to a curve as a measure of rate of change, (ii) the ‘area’ below a curve where the area has physical significance, e.g. Boltzmann distribution curves
- Comprehend how to handle numerical work so that significant figures are neither lost unnecessarily nor used beyond what is justified
- General unreactivity of alkanes, including towards polar reagents
- Chemistry of alkanes as exemplified by the following reactions of ethane
- Combustion
- Free-radical substitution by chlorine and by bromine
- Free-radical substitution with particular reference to the initiation, propagation and termination reactions
- General reactivity of alkenes towards electrophilic reagents/electrophiles
- Chemistry of alkenes
- Delocalisation of π electrons, the difference between benzene and alkene:
- Reactivity towards electrophiles
- Preference of benzene to undergo substitution rather than addition reaction
- Chemistry of the benzene ring as exemplified by the following reactions of benzene and methylbenzene
- Electrophilic substitution reactions with chlorine and with bromine
- The use of Lewis acid as catalysts
- Nitration with concentrated nitric acid
- Predict whether halogenation will occur in the side-chain or aromatic nucleus in arenes depending on reaction conditions
- Positions of substitution in the electrophilic substitution reactions of monosubstituted arenes
- Carbon monoxide, oxides of nitrogen and unburnt hydrocarbons arising from the internal combustion engine and of their catalytic removal
- Gases that contribute to the enhanced greenhouse effect
- Petroleum is a finite resource and the importance of recycling
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